The fourth edition of this book differs from the third edition in numerous ways.
There are large numbers of small changes everywhere to bring the material up to date as operating systems are not standing still. The chapter on Multimedia Operating Systems has been moved to the Web, primarily to make room for new material and keep the book from growing to a completely unmanageable size. The chapter on Windows Vista has been removed completely as Vista has not been the success Microsoft hoped for. The chapter on Symbian has also been removed, as Symbian no longer is widely available. However, the Vista material has been replaced by Windows 8 and Symbian has been replaced by Android. Also, a completely new chapter, on virtualization and the cloud has been added. Here is a chapter-by-chapter rundown of the changes.
I recommend reading two books: one general text (that is, a book on concepts and theory) and one implementation text (that is, a book about a specific OS). For the general text, I recommend Operating System Concepts (2012) by Silberschatz, Galvin. Silberschatz Operating System Concepts.pdf - Free download Ebook, Handbook, Textbook, User Guide PDF files on the internet quickly and easily.
• Chapter 1 has been heavily modified and updated in many places but with the exception of a new section on mobile computers, no major sections have been added or deleted.
• Chapter 2 has been updated, with older material removed and some new material added. For example, we added the futex synchronization primitive, and a section about how to avoid locking altogether with Read-Copy-Update.
• Chapter 3 now has more focus on modern hardware and less emphasis on segmentation and MULTICS.
• In Chapter 4 we removed CD-Roms, as they are no longer very common, and replaced them with more modern solutions (like flash drives). Also, we added RAID level 6 to the section on RAID.
• Chapter 5 has seen a lot of changes. Older devices like CRTs and CDROMs have been removed, while new technology, such as touch screens have been added.
• Chapter 6 is pretty much unchanged. The topic of deadlocks is fairly stable, with few new results.
• Chapter 7 is completely new. It covers the important topics of virtualization and the cloud. As a case study, a section on VMware has been added.
• Chapter 8 is an updated version of the previous material on multiprocessor systems. There is more emphasis on multicore and manycore systems now, which have become increasingly important in the past few years. Cache consistency has become a bigger issue recently and is covered here, now.
• Chapter 9 has been heavily revised and reorganized, with considerable new material on exploiting code bugs, malware, and defenses against them. Attacks such as null pointer dereferences and buffer overflows are treated in more detail. Defense mechanisms, including canaries, the NX bit, and address-space randomization are covered in detail now, as are the ways attackers try to defeat them.
• Chapter 10 has undergone a major change. The material on UNIX and Linux has been updated but the major addtion here is a new and lengthy section on the Android operating system, which is very common on smartphones and tablets.
• Chapter 11 in the third edition was on Windows Vista. That has been replaced by a chapter on Windows 8, specifically Windows 8.1. It brings the treatment of Windows completely up to date.
• Chapter 12 is a revised version of Chap. 13 from the previous edition.
• Chapter 13 is a thoroughly updated list of suggested readings. In addition, the list of references has been updated, with entries to 223 new works published after the third edition of this book came out.
• Chapter 7 from the previous edition has been moved to the book’s Website to keep the size somewhat manageable).
• In addition, the sections on research throughout the book have all beenre done from scratch to reflect the latest research in operating systems.
Furthermore, new problems have been added to all the chapters.
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